24 /7 On-site Emergency Service for Clients
Heath Road, North Walsham, NR28 0JB
01692 407126 or 07880 233835

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 08.30 - 18.30
Evening consultations 19.30 - 21.30 available by prior arrangement
Sat 09.00 - 12.30
24/7 On-site Emergency Service Please call the surgery to be directed to the veterinary surgeon on duty

Our clinics include :
Dental Clinics
Recommended at least every 6 months as tartar build up on your pets teeth increases gum disease.
These bacteria can travel in your pets blood stream causing internal disease and abscesses and even causing infection of the heart valves.
Our clinics are designed to assess your pets dental health and offer advice on whether a dental scale and polish is necessary or whether changes can be reversed with brushing and anti-plaque treatments.
Experienced nurses will show you how to brush your pets teeth and discuss which dental products are effective at preventing plaque accumulation.
For rabbit and guinea pig patients our nurses will assess whether there are any signs of sharp points forming on the teeth and also discuss ways of feeding to try to reduce future dental problems.
Microchip Implantation
Making your pet easily identifiable if they are ever lost or stolen and seen at a vets, RSPCA, police, dog warden or rescue centre.
Once scanned, the microchip is detected and you can be reunited.
We offer discounts on microchip implantation performed at the same time as another procedure eg a booster vaccination or neutering, or if you are a VIP Club member.
Senior Pet Clinics
Tailored to cats and dogs over 7 years of age and rabbits and guinea pigs over 5 years old.
We recommend check ups at least every 6 months for senior pets as cats and dogs age approximately 7 years for every one of our years meaning an annual visit is equivalent to visiting your GP every 7 years.
Clinics provide a general examination, assessment of arthritis, weight and dental checks and an option for blood pressure measurement and “MOT” blood and urine tests to detect signs of disease early
Nutrition And Weight Management Clinics
Assess your pet’s body condition with regular weighing to monitor changes.
We will discuss the best diet to feed your pet – one diet is not suitable for all animals, how much to feed, how much to exercise and for our more cuddly pets we will provide a weight chart and discuss how to successfully and safely reduce your pets weight to keep them healthy for longer.
Clinics are open to our rabbit, guinea pig and exotic patients as well as our cat and dog patients as all our pets benefit from monitoring weight changes and selecting the most suitable diet
Puppy And Kitten Clinics
Available monthly throughout the first year of your pets life.
Our nurses are on hand at every stage to discuss any problems you are having as well as confirm your new arrival remains healthy and receives appropriate flea and worm treatment for his or her weight and lifestyle.
We hope it will make visiting the vet an enjoyable experience!
Flea And Worm Clinics
An ideal place to discuss how to keep your pet free from visitors by designing a flea and worm treatment plan tailored to your pets lifestyle.
Clinics are available whether your pet has a flea or worm problem or whether you just want reassurance that you are providing the best care for your pet.
Claw Clipping
For pets and exotic animals.
We are also happy to show you how to safely clip your pets claws if you would like to know how to do it yourself.
Quarterly claw clipping is FREE OF CHARGE for our VIP Club Members
Anal Gland Expression
Physiotherapy and Laser Therapy
Physiotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions including reduced performance or mobility, skeletal or joint problems, muscular injury, strains or soreness and much more.
Our physiotherapy clinics offer a range of treatment options including manual therapies such as massage and therapies such as red light and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.
Laser Therapy which reduces inflammation and provides pain relief. It is effective at treating acute and chronic pain as well as improving wound healing.
Laser therapy provides a non-medication based safe, effective and fast way of treating osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease (eg hip and elbow dysplasia), intervertebral disc disease (spinal pain), skin disease, post operative wound healing, sprains and strains, orthopaedic disease (eg cruciate ligament rupture) and periodontal disease.
Socialisation Clinics
We understand some of our patients can be more nervous and even become aggressive when visiting the vets. Our socialisation clinics offer the opportunity to build your pets' confidence and trust in order to make visits to the vets less stressful!
Post Operative Care
Available for any operation performed at our practice, including free of charge suture removal and wound examination to ensure healing is progressing
Our Dental, Senior Pet, Puppy and Kitten, Weight Management, Flea and Worm, Socialisation and Post Operative Care Clinics are FREE OF CHARGE for our clients. Many of our other nurse clinics such as claw clipping are also discounted or free of charge for members of our VIP Clubs.
Nurse clinics at Toll Barn Vets
Our friendly and caring nursing team offer regular nurse clinics to advise and support clients helping you keep your pets in the best health throughout their lives. Remember, our pets age much faster than we do so detecting changes early is vital.