24 /7 On-site Emergency Service for Clients
Heath Road, North Walsham, NR28 0JB
01692 407126 or 07880 233835

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 08.30 - 18.30
Evening consultations 19.30 - 21.30 available by prior arrangement
Sat 09.00 - 12.30
24/7 On-site Emergency Service Please call the surgery to be directed to the veterinary surgeon on duty

Education Events at Toll Barn Vets
Our purpose built surgery includes a dedicated conference
room where we regularly provide lectures on all aspects
of veterinary care of exotic pets for local veterinary
surgeons and nurses. Lectures count as 2 hours of CPD
and start at 8pm with refreshments and an optional tour of
the surgery available from 7pm. If you are a vet or nurse
and would like to attend please contact the surgery to request further details.
We strongly believe that you, our clients, also deserve opportunities to learn how to keep your pets healthy, basic pet first aid should an emergency arise and information on common diseases affecting your pets. With this in mind we host client education evenings throughout the year and would be delighted to welcome you.
If you would like further details on any of our courses or to book a place please contact the surgery. Event dates will be published on our Facebook page.